Equivalent Fractions Calculator

Equivalent fractions calculator finds the fractions that when simplified give the same answer. This equivalent fraction calculator gives the first 10 fractions.

Equivalent Fractions Calculation

Enter Whole Numbers Only

  • Numerator :

  • Denomiator :

How to use the equivalent fractions calculator?

Equivalent fractions calculator works when you:

  1. Enter the numerator.
  2. Enter the denominator.
  3. Hit the calculate button.

What are equivalent fractions?

You can think of them as multiples of a fraction. But that does not conclude the whole meaning. One definition of equivalent fractions is:

     “A set of fractions in which each fraction, on simplification, gives the same decimal value”

Let's say we have a fraction of 15/18. Its three equivalent fractions will be 25/30, 30/36, and 35/42. All of these values give the same decimal answer and that is 0.833.

How to find the equivalent fractions?

There are a few steps that can give you the equivalent fractions of any fraction you want. But the calculator is fast and free, you know. You can use it anytime ????.

To find the equivalent fractions yourself, you will need to simplify your fraction to its base fraction first. A base fraction is one that cannot be simplified anymore. It has to consist of positive integers.

Find the first 5 equivalent fractions of 20/100.

Step 1: Find the GCF of both numerator and denominator.

The GCF of 100 and 20 is 20.

Step 2: Divide with the GCF. 


This is the base fraction.

Step 3: Multiply this fraction by the first 5 natural numbers.

= 1/5 x 1 = 1/5 
= 1/5 x 2 = 2/10 
= 1/5 x 3 = 3/15
= 1/5 x 4 = 4/20
= 1/5 x 5 = 5/25

These are the first five. You can find the next five using the equivalent fractions calculator. Also, see the compare fractions calculator.

Equivalent fractions examples:

Equivalent fractions for First four equivalent fractions
1/4 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20
1/3 2/6, 3/9, 4/12, 5/15
2/9 4/18, 6/27, 8/36, 10/45
3/4 6/8, 9/12, 12/16, 15/20
7/9 14/18, 21/27, 28/36, 35/45
2/5 4/10, 6/15, 8/20, 10/25
4/7 8/14, 12/21, 16/28, 20/35
1/9 2/18, 3/27, 4/36, 5/45
4/5 8/10, 12/15, 16/20, 20/25