Dalton's Law Calculator

To calculate the partial pressure of a gas, input the values of temperature, volume, and moles of a gas in dalton’s gas law calculator.

Dalton's Partial Pressure Calculator

Dalton's Law

  • K
  • moles
  • L

Dalton’s Law Calculator 

This Dalton’s law of partial pressure calculator computes the pressure of combined gases with known temperature and gas values.

What is the partial pressure of a gas?

When gases are present in a container, the hazardous movement of their molecules exerts pressure on the walls of the container. 

If the container contains a mixture of gases then the pressure exerted by individual gas is the partial pressure of that gas.

Dalton’s law:

Statement of Dalton's law is:

“The Pressure of the mixture gas is equal to the sum of the pressure of the partial gases in a container'' 

It is one of the four methods to calculate the total pressure of a gas mixture.

Dalton’s law formula:

According to dalton’s law:

Ptotal = P1 + P2 + … + Pn

The pressure of individual gas is calculated through the ideal gas formula:

P = n*R*T/v

In this equation:

  • V = volume
  • T = temperature
  • n is the no. of moles
  • R = 8.314 Jk-1mol-1, ideal gas constant.

This formula can also be used for a direct calculation of overall gas pressure.

P = n*R*T/v {In this case n= n1 + n2 + n3 + … +nm}

  • n is the total moles of m gases present in the mixture,

How to calculate the pressure of combined gases?


A gas container contains 3L of helium gas. The temperature of the container is 150k. There are 3 moles of helium present in the container. Calculate the pressure.


Step 1: Identify values.

Temperature = 150k

Volume = 3L

Moles = 3

Step 2: Use the ideal gas formula.

P = nRt/v

P = 3 * 8.314 * 150 / 3

Pi = 1,247.2 kPa {kilopascal (kPa) is the unit of pressure}