SI Derived Unit - capacitance

Capacitance has 24 measurement units. The default SI Derived Unit of capacitance is Farad [SI standard].

For Conversion table from Farad [SI standard] (SI Derived Unit) to other units, Click Here.

  • SI Derived Unit farad [SI standard]
  • Convert farad [SI standard] To Go
  • Convert any capacitance Unit to another capacitance Unit
  • Convert From To Go

Capacitance Units Conversion Table:

Conversion form Capacitance SI Derived Unit Farad [SI standard] to other measurement units

Farad [SI standard] 1.0E-9 abfarad
Farad [SI standard] 1 ampere second/volt
Farad [SI standard] 100 centifarad
Farad [SI standard] 1 coulomb/volt
Farad [SI standard] 10 decifarad
Farad [SI standard] 0.1 dekafarad
Farad [SI standard] 1.0E-9 electromagnetic unit
Farad [SI standard] 898755224014.74 electrostatic unit
Farad [SI standard] 1.0004902402177 farad [international]
Farad [SI standard] 1 farad [SI standard]
Farad [SI standard] 898755224014.74 gaussian
Farad [SI standard] 1.0E-9 gigafarad
Farad [SI standard] 0.01 hectofarad
Farad [SI standard] 898755224.01474 jar
Farad [SI standard] 0.001 kilofarad
Farad [SI standard] 1.0E-6 megafarad
Farad [SI standard] 1000000 microfarad
Farad [SI standard] 1000 millifarad
Farad [SI standard] 1000000000 nanofarad
Farad [SI standard] 1000000000000 picofarad
Farad [SI standard] 1000000000000 puff
Farad [SI standard] 1 second/ohm
Farad [SI standard] 898755224014.74 statfarad
Farad [SI standard] 1.0E-12 terafarad

You can convert Farad [SI standard] to following measurement units using our unit conversion system.

  • abfarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1000000000
  • ampere second/volt - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1
  • centifarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 0.01
  • coulomb/volt - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1
  • decifarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 0.1
  • dekafarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 10
  • electromagnetic unit - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1000000000
  • electrostatic unit - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1.11265E-12
  • farad [international] - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 0.99951
  • farad [SI standard] - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1
  • gaussian - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1.11265E-12
  • gigafarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1000000000
  • hectofarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 100
  • jar - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1.11265E-9
  • kilofarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1000
  • megafarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1000000
  • microfarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1.0E-6
  • millifarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 0.001
  • nanofarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1.0E-9
  • picofarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1.0E-12
  • puff - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1.0E-12
  • second/ohm - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1
  • statfarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1.11265E-12
  • terafarad - Scale Factor as compare to farad [SI standard] is 1.0E+12